Did Jesus Prefer Colt 45 Malt Liquor, Or Michelob Ultra?
So, what would Jesus drink while watching the Dodgers get beat again? Maybe it depends upon what church he identifies himself with. So let's look at the stats. My guess is Jesus would be more likely to prefer a Colt 45 if he were Black Protestant, than, say, if he were Centrist Mainline Protestant.
Here is a breakdown of the religious affiliation of the US population, according to a Pew Research study from 2004 (4000 sample size):
% figures reflect percent of US population identifying themselves in the stated religious affiliation:
Evangelical Protestant 26.3%, as follows:
Traditionalist Evangelical 12.6%
Centrist Evangelical 10.8%
Modernist Evangelical 2.9%
Mainline Protestant 16.0%, as follows:
Traditionalist Mainline 4.3%
Centrist Mainline 7.0%
Modernist Mainline 4.7%
Latino Protestants 2.8%
Black Protestants 9.6%
Catholic 17.5%, as follows:
Traditionalist Catholic 4.4%
Centrist Catholic 8.1%
Modernist Catholic 5.0%
Latino Catholic 4.5%
Other Christian 2.7%
Other Faiths 2.7%
Jewish 1.9%
Unaffiliated 16.0%, as follows:
Unaffiliated Believers 5.3%
Secular 7.5%
Atheist, Agnostic 3.2%
How "important" is religion? This, from a scientific poll in 2002:
"How important would you say religion is in your life? Is it..."
very important - 64%
somewhat important - 23%
somewhat unimportant - 6%
very unimportant - 7%
DK/NA/refused - 0%
Breaking that down - same study > money where the mouth is:
"Aside from weddings and funerals, how often do you attend religious services?"
Once a Week or More: 47%, as follows
more than once a week - 20%
once a week - 27%
Once a Month or More: 62%, as follows:
more than once a week - 20%
once a week - 27%
once or twice a month - 15%
A few times a year - 18%
Seldom or Never - 20%
DK/NA/refused - 1%
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